Shenandoah Art Destination Course Schedule


(Room requests are not guaranteed – we will accommodate your request if possible)

April 3 – 6  4-Day Session  available
May 8 – 11  4-Day Session  5 spots available
May 25 – 28  4-Day Session  available
June 19 – 22  4-Day Session  available
June 27, 28, 29  Weekend Session  8 spots available
July 10 – 13  4-Day Session  available
July 24 – 27  4-Day Session  available
September 5 – 10  6-Day/Plein-Air Retreat in Maine*  5 spots available
September 20 – 27  8-Day/Plein-Air Retreat in Portugal*  6 spots available
September 28 – October 7 10-Day/Plein-air Retreat in northern Morocco*  available
October 16 – 19 4-Day Session  available

*Plein-air retreats in Maine, Portugal and Morocco – see linked page for more information.

If a course date you are interested in is marked “FULL”, please email or call to be placed on a “wait list” for any last minute cancellations.

If only one person is signed up for a course, we reserve the right to cancel those dates; you would receive a full refund or have the chance to move to another course date.

SEE RATE page for how to make a reservation, our cancellation policy and rates for locals to attend without lodging/meals included.


Single occupancy (artist) $945
Double occupancy (participating artist) in the same bedroom $895
non-artist spouse/partner in the same bedroom $520
Single occupancy (artist) $1260
Double occupancy (participating artist) in the same bedroom* $1197
non-artist spouse/partner in the same bedroom $690
painting outdoorsSign-up to receive specials and discounts that are only available to our newsletter subscribers.

Any questions? Call 612.221.1140


Shenandoah Art Destination, 325 Union Run, Lexington VA, USA. 24450

Established in 2010, The Shenandoah Art Destination is one of the only, art vacation retreat schools in the United States.  Home to students from all continents, the Shenandoah Art Destination offers rigorous art classes that include painting (oil and acrylic, watercolor, pastel), plein air painting, drawing, airbrush, drypoint, lino, mono printing and mixed media.
The Manors’s beautiful, 10-acre property is located in Lexington, Virginia, 50 miles north of Roanoke, VA.