2023 Students Gallery

The images in the gallery below will help to give an idea of the enormous range and variety of the work undertaken at the Painting School. The images are by  beginners, experienced amateurs and professionals.


Any questions? Call 612.221.1140

Email: nancy@shenandoahartdestination.com

Shenandoah Art Destination, 325 Union Run, Lexington VA, USA. 24450

Established in 2010, The Shenandoah Art Destination is one of the only, art vacation retreat schools in the United States.  Home to students from all continents, the Shenandoah Art Destination offers rigorous art classes that include painting (oil and acrylic, watercolor, pastel), plein air painting, drawing, airbrush, drypoint, lino, mono printing and mixed media.
The Manors’s beautiful, 10-acre property is located in Lexington, Virginia, 50 miles north of Roanoke, VA.